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Chaldean Chronicles: Cadence of the Lostgrail
✅ Singularity 6 (ARCHIVED) / 〚🏙|singularity-announcements
Tyonis Shiki 2022-03-09 7:15 PM
@deleted-role Since it has been asked ALOT, you may use long range communication methods (magical or mundane) outside of a game so long as you pay 10 GP per word. This resource cost represents the difficulty and effort it takes to break through Enniashe's domination. Just subtract the GP in #deleted-channel . (edited)
Tyonis Shiki 2022-03-09 7:59 PM
@deleted-role The link for the Singularity roll20 is here: You will find the Player Map on it along with any landmarks the players have uncovered.
Roll20 brings pen-and-paper gameplay to your browser with features that save time and enhance your favorite parts of tabletop games.
Tyonis Shiki 2022-03-09 8:47 PM
@deleted-role Discovered Enniashe Effects: Magical Energy Domination: Any ability that requires the use of Spellslots are borderline disabled. If used anyway, the user must make a DC 15-30 CHA save or take 10d10 Necrotic damage or half as much on success. All allies of Enniashe within 10 miles heal for this damage. This may or may not also apply to other uses of Magical Energy such as Ki Points or Sorcery Points. These situations will be handled on a case-by-case basis and more definite rulings will be listed here. Upon success, the caster takes half damage and can cast that spell or use that ability as usual. Magical or mundane Long Range Communication is extremely difficult. One must pay 10 GP if trying to communicate in such a manner outside of a game. A living human that reaches 0 HP in this way becomes a Dead Apostle. ADDED: B Rank Magic Resistance or Higher IGNORES this effect. ADDED: If an ability "casts a spell" but does not use any resources like some Eldritch Invocations, the user must make a CON save DC 15-30 or suffer those effects. ADDED: If the caster has a Passive Arcana (10+Arcana Modifier) of 27 or higher (23 from Astraea's Noble Phantasm), they IGNORE this effect. (edited)
8:47 PM
Spreading Roots: Enniashe is constantly expanding and regenerating. Any cleared areas will regenerate in 1d4 hours. A bounded field that uses 300 Black Key (Enhanced) can isolate an area for an extended period of time (one day for every 300 Keys). This area is a 20ft radius per 300 Keys. This area may be made permanent by expending 1000 Black Keys. These areas of isolation function as a normal region for the duration, allowing for the unhindered use of spell slots similar feats requiring and magical energy. (edited)
8:47 PM
Antithesis of Human History: Powerful Dead Apostles Ancestors are capable of outright denying a human Heroic Spirit the True Name release of a Noble Phantasm and have Resistance to their passive effects due to a Conceptual Curse. True Name releases for Noble Phantasms are disabled. All damage dealt or healed by a Noble Phantasm is halved, if forced via Command Seal or other means. Divine Spirits and Divine Constructs are unaffected. Disemboweling Forest: For every hour of travel, all characters must make a DC 15-30 DEX save or take 5d10 Magical Piercing damage as roots, branches, and even leaves attack in an endless barrage. Short Rests and Long Rests are automatically interrupted unless this effect is mitigated somehow. Enniashe has all possible forms of Perception for the purposes of detection (Truesight, Blindsight, Tremorsense, etc.). The Forest of Entropy: All summoned beings that require constant magical energy sustainment such as Servants suffer Exhaustion for every day spent in the Forest. Servants with B rank or higher Magic Resistance may make a DC 15-30 CON save to resist this effect once every day. (edited)
8:47 PM
8:47 PM
Tyonis Shiki 2022-03-11 6:48 PM
@deleted-role Special Effects: Iam Redit et Virgo; Let Order be Returned: Astraea has used her Authority to try and judge the Forest as a criminal, although the Noble Phantasm has failed, it leaves beneficial, residual effects for Chaldea. So long as Astraea (Ruler) maintains a weekly Downtime Score of 75, the Forest is weakened. All DCs are decreased by 3. All damage dealt by the forest is reduced by 1/5th. The Check is Investigation and cannot be Assisted by anyone except her Master. The use of DTP is allowed by both Astraea and her Master. ADDED: Astraea's Noble Phantasm has been fully activated after weeks of investigation. The Forest is permanently weakened. All DCs are decreased by 4. All damage is reduced by 20%. Nega-Saver: The Third Heretical Pleasure of Heaven: Sister Kiara Kisshouin has used her power as a demonic goddess hiding in human form to enthrall the NATO Soldiers maintaining the defenseline. They see her as a messiah, and are charmed by her in perpetuity. Thus, they will fight to the death to maintain the defenseline north of Italty. This is the only way for normal human soldiers to stand up to the soul-destroying aura of a Dead Apostle Ancestor like the Forest of Enniashe for any extended period of time. This is not the erasure of fear, but rather they love her far more than they fear the Forest. Bardic Inspiration:* Thanks to Asteria's superhuman musical talent, all members who spend one day in Rome now have immunity to Fear. (edited)
AstraeaChottoMatte 3
ohoho 3
GuraShotgun 2
Tyonis Shiki 2022-03-28 4:04 AM
Restoring France's Leylines: Medea has restored France's Leylines. She must either set up a Territory at Castle Rocker to passively maintain her control or complete a DT 50 (Arcana) to establish her dominance every 7 days. If neither occurs, then Enniashe will take them back over. The restored Leylines are as follows: (edited)
4:08 AM
Green: Activated Leylines Teal: Inactivated Leylines or Dominated by Enniashe Red Circle: High level Territory made by a Servant. (edited)
4:13 AM
Tyonis Shiki 2022-04-02 8:19 PM
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-04-04 2:22 AM
Disturbance in the Leyline Network: Despite Medea's efforts to maintain the Laylines, it seems that the forces of Ennaishe have not sat idle. The enemy territory previously seen within the alps has spread and covered a large part of the alps, blocking the Layline connection between France and Italy. Map has been updated to reflect the changes. @Player (edited)
2:22 AM
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-04-04 2:46 PM
Mini-Announcement When dealing with or going trough the red territory, ping @Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach. For any improvised scenarios regarding the blocked laylines and the territory in question come to me as well.
Berry|Rav|Jes|Ushi|Yuyu 2022-04-05 10:51 PM
Announcement A dark figure was found upon the Rail Zeppelin, it seems a individual has suddenly approached the area above Chateau d'Rocher - Territory of the Caster-Class Servant Medea.
10:51 PM
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-04-06 11:07 AM
Collapse of Medea's Territory, Castle Roacher is stranded. Suddenly, out of nowhere the Territory Created by Medea within Castle Roacher has dissipated completely. Additionally for Medea's master @Orphelia/Naomi/Artoria, He'd quickly come to learn that his connection with the Caster was severed and the contract ended. As it stands, these still left at Castle Roacher now find themselves without protection from the forest and the train itself is exposed. @Player
Tamaconcern 10
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-04-06 1:59 PM
Capture of Castle Rocher Following an encounter within Castle Rocher, the territory has been captured. Though most divinations spells struggle to pierce the territory, the few glimpses that were successful had made it clear that the Impaler has spread his domain and taken control of the Laylines around France. It is difficult to say what this means for Chaldea however there is one thing for certain-- It doesn't bode well. @Player (edited)
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-04-06 4:47 PM
@Player As the Conference goes on, the whole talk is suddenly interrupted by a loud warning echoing out. An announcement is made... It's simple and concise yet the voice of Da Vinci is all too clear trough their communicators. "Berserker, Vlad the Impaler has breached the Italian Barrier! Ennaishe is spreading into North Italy--! He is already advancing on Milan!"
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-04-08 1:30 PM
Unexpected Ally? A certain high-ranking Dead Apostle within NATO ranks has provided the information that Berserker Vlad posses under his command three servants. The Berserker Bathory has delved into the depths of degeneracy and now plagues Avingnon as a dragon with no mercy. Beowulf has taken security of Vlad’s citadel within Switzerland. And the location of spartacus is unknown. He has provided this information and support to Peter Stumpp so that Chaldea may fight a secert war as his proxy against Vlad moving on his territory in the North. Strangely enough after this proposal was made. The terror of the Demon Lord seems to have ceased and the skies over the North have gone silent with its howls. NATO does not stand idly with its air-fleets and seeks to captailize on this opertunity with dozens of bombers and ground-strike aircraft alongside fighters to deal with Einnashe's aerial interceptors. Even with the Demon Lord missing this will be a fight with a heavy cost but one NATO is willing to pay with the lives of their pilots, even if it buys Italy but a few seconds. They will be able to provide Chaldea with airstrikes and cruise missiles in support of direct operations against Vlad. Radios and guidance equipment such as lasers and flare-guns have been provided to Chaldea in order to co-ordinate these strikes as the daring pilots brave a network of anti-air and interceptors to deliver their payload. It's time to dive into the fireworks. (edited)
ThatOtherRiderFace 3
1:30 PM
On Initiative count 20, Chaldea can choose to use a NATO airstrike. Racing in attack aircraft at low alititude barely scrapping the treetops while dodging anti-air and the piercing branches of the Forest, NATO aircraft swoop in to unleash a barrage of bombs, missiles, and bullets upon three points with a sphere of 30 feet. All creatures within this sphere must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take 10d6 piercing damage and 10d6 blugnoning damage as the sheer firepower of NATO is unleashed, taking half on success. (The amount of times this can be used during a mission will depend on the DM and circumstances may not permit its use, such as being underground or a place too difficult to strike) (edited)
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-04-14 10:38 PM
Bardic Inspiration: Thanks to Asteria's superhuman musical talent, all members who spend one day in Rome now have immunity to Fear. @Player (edited)
10:39 PM
Nicollete after many hours of investigation would discover the following of the forest. -If even a single branch fell it would burrow into the ground and feed off what nuitrants and mana there was, particularly around the laylines. Or if it made contact with flesh of some sort it would burrow into them and feed off the creature like a parasite before eventually turning into a full blown Dead Apostle -It had its limits to mana consumption. Too much and it wouldn't be able to feed fast enough before the spell had its effect. If a spell was upcasted by up to three spellslots is will not be affected by Magical Domination. If someone wished to cast a 1st spell they must cast it at 3rd level. -Several Dead and Ghouls in cold storage seemed to have little nubs of wood behind their necks that matched the core of the bark. It seemed to have the same compositions and a pyshic link of some kind. @Player (edited)
Tyonis Shiki 2022-04-19 12:13 AM
@Player Retaking Castle Rocher: The Castle Rocher Striketeam has managed to reclaim 7 of the 11 Leylines controlled by Vlad Tepes. It took them 5 Rounds, so the Vlad Tepes elimination team will have to survive for 5 Rounds at least with Vlad at his full power.
Tyonis Shiki 2022-04-19 12:25 AM
@Player An updated map, with Vlad's reduced territory and the Leylines controlled by Chaldea.
12:25 AM
Tyonis Shiki 2022-04-23 12:34 AM
@Player Narbereck grows impatient. The Holy Church will use Jeanne as a sacrifice to activate Sacra Cintola in 9 days. (IRL 01MAY2022 ) (edited)
naniTF 6
HimeCry 3
ganyucry 3
derangedlunatic 3
angrylance 3
benigun 3
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-04-24 11:29 AM
Chelon Canticle Brigade Support: [Limited to Daishouri Missions] You can choose to gain one NPC that will assist you in controlling the south. The Chelon Canticle Brigade will assist to their best extent Chaldea, but if their life is in danger, they will prioritize their own safety, before the mission. For the most part. 1. ??? To be discovered... Female 2. ??? To be discovered...Female 3. ??? To be discovered... Female 4. ??? To be discovered... Male 5. ??? To be discovered.... Male [For non-purely Daishouri Purposes] Once per session, the Chelon Canticle Brigade are able to assist Chaldea. They can give buffs at the beginning of the session. Chaldea has 10 Spell Points to use. 1. Level 5 Aid - 2 Points Each 2. Death Ward - 3 Point Each 3. Haste Capsule - 2 Point Each [Treat as Pseudo Spell of Storing] 4. Gift of Alacrity - 1 Point Each 5. Mind Black - 8 Points @Player (edited)
sakurahmm 1
ohfujino 1
Tyonis Shiki 2022-04-24 7:22 PM
@Player Chaldea has reclaimed one more Leyline! Vlad Tepes has been reduced to two remaining.
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-04-27 1:38 PM
Barthomeloi Lorelei has began her move after a few days after the transaction with Chaldea, leaving only less than half of the Chelon Canticle Brigade to watch and enforce the entire city. It is heard that some Mages have gathered their strength in opposition outside the city as she was leaving only to be swiftly eliminated. In addition to her movement, she had raised her Martial Law, using her maximum authority as Wizard Marshal, and and the holder of the strongest army of Mages, and Heroic Spirits to take ALL Mages(in terms of being able to use Magecraft, have Magic Circuits and are capable of using them, or affiliated with any Association in relation to it), commanding each and everyone of them to prioritize "protecting" Calais and those within it. Martial Law: Queen's Commandment From this moment on, the bounded field of Calais has been strengthened, to the point that Teleporting and Rayshifting out of the area of the bounded field requires permission of the "manager" of the Bounded Field, whom is a Chelon Canticle Brigade Member. [You can still force yourself to Rayshift in, or Teleport inside] Dealing with external matters outside the city are also prohibited from this point on, and those who goes outside will be a subject to some punishment. (in IC only) Internal Scheming will be subjected to death. @Player Special Investigation Event: Only upto May 1 2022 As all of this was happening, three easily decipharable messages are found in the Chaldean Base in Calais. All seemed to be leading to a specific address in the city with an additional note, "be subtle." Tags: Investigation, Social, Normal [May change depending on the Varying Actions], Mages, Schemes, Can you break this puzzle? (edited)
1:39 PM
[Those intending to participate in the special event, contact me in my DMs in #〘❕|ooc-rp-chat ]
1:39 PM
[Or RP it out in #〚🏙|calasis-chaldean-base-and-rayshift-area and ping me] (edited)
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-04-27 1:48 PM
For those interested, you can choose from three colors for the addresses: Blue Red Yellow (edited)
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-04-29 9:51 AM
Additional Note: This special event may or may not effect the results of the Singularity.
Tyonis Shiki 2022-05-01 5:31 AM
@Player Berserker has been stripped of his Leylines thanks to the various strike teams! Because this entire scenario takes place at nearly the same time, the Leyline Strike Team characters are RP-locked from participating in the battle against Berserker. It took a maximum of 5 Rounds to strip Berserker of his access to the Leylines, so the strike team attacking Vlad will have to contend with Vlad for 5 Rounds before he loses his extra buffs! Good luck!
Tyonis Shiki 2022-05-01 11:12 PM
@Player Vlad has been defeated by the forces of Chaldea! All that remains now is to assault the Heart in the Northeast part of the Singularity!
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-05-02 12:03 AM
@Player Upon the end of the troubles down South, the Chelon Canticle Brigade left with only 4/5 people as their contract has finished with Chaldea. In regards to the current events in Calais, there has been a reported missing Master in the case, in which cannot be found through any scans. Most likely hidden. Pulling them out forcibly will result in other concerns. In that regards, Director Olga Marie Animusphere has an annoucement.
Olga Marie Animusphere - Director of Chaldea BOT 2022-05-02 12:03 AM
"Good job dealing with the Berserker that threatened the acquisition of the Holy Grail, but as much as I'd like you all to relax, there are still a jobs to be done. I've received a report from two Chaldean members, one of which is missing, that the Queen of the Clocktower might be directly interfering with our Grand Order... As dangerous as it is, we will have to clash woth her and her Chelon Canticle Members, one way or another. So I have two options for all of you specific to this. The Supreme Magus is said to be intending to create a Magic, I assume through all the Magic Crests she collected. There is a man within Calais who knows its true nature, and how to stop it. Assist him and save him, at the same time find our missing Master. Doing this will end our "mutual" relationship if you can even say that, with the Chelon Canticle Brigade but will possibly assist us with deterring Barthomeloi in her advance. She is by the way, heading to the Holy Grail, judging from the massive magical energy emitted by her servant in our trackers. The second option is to ignore it and straight to the Grail and let the Church whose been far distracted by Vlad until recently, although we might still have to find our resou- Master. More options are great, and seeing how you've handled the Singularities from this point on, I can somewhat trust you all to find the most appropriate. That is all."
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-05-02 12:04 AM
Option Selection Corner
1️⃣ 6
2️⃣ 1
3️⃣ 1
Ma|Resur|Anastasia|King| C 2022-05-09 9:05 AM
Voting is now closed
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-06-09 11:25 PM
Something is going on in the forest! In recent hours we have been picking up a wide range of explosions and signs of battle, from what little scouting we could do we have seen large sways of the forest be utterly blasted apart and signs of battle are present all around. It is unclear what exactly is happening but whatever it is, it's making it's way directly to the location of the heart. @Player
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-06-10 2:14 PM
NATO as a threat has been eliminated. The High Command of Dead Apostles who sold their souls has been eliminated Genoa has been eliminated. Half a million lives has been eliminated. The way the grail is now clear. (edited)
RJ|Sir L/Lytus/Dude/Wolf/-/- 2022-06-10 7:24 PM
For miles around Genoa, it can be seen... A blinding flash of light. Growing into a horrific, titanic inferno, belching out a shockwave. And even further than that, it can be heard. A deafening boom. More destructive than a Noble Phantasm, this... Was something entirely of human design. A nuclear device has just been detonated off the coast of Genoa.
RJ|Sir L/Lytus/Dude/Wolf/-/- 2022-06-12 9:02 AM
This is Director Olga Marie Animusphere, communicating on all lines. We require servants with Territory Creation or similar abilities to report to Genoa, as survivors require shielding from radiation until we can more permanently relocate them or resolve this singularity. @Player ((Note: This will not require any mechanical usage of Territory Creation, this is purely an RP scenario.)) #〚🏙|ruins-of-genoa
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